Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mixed Victory for Democrats in Nevada

The Clinton’s won the Nevada caucus by 6% over Obama. He was expected to win with the Culinary Workers Union endorsement. Allegedly, there was a backlash by the rank and file who didn’t want their bosses telling them who to vote for. It could just be that the union endorsement didn’t eman that much or didn’t reflect the voting preference trend among its members. It was close. Obama, if I understand this correctly, won more delegates. The ProConPundit doesn’t understand that. If Edwards hangs on past South Carolina, he may deliver the nomination to the Clinton’s. If the Clinton’s come out of Super Tuesday, February 5, with a victory of more than 5 % over Obama, he will have a tough time overcoming that. Assuming Edwards gets more than 5%, which he certainly should, the change that he will be making is helping Hillary. He says he is in until the end. I am sure he will stay through SC. I think it will be embarrassing to come in third in his next-to-home state.

1 comment:

DOS said...

It is refreshing to see that those union members have a mind and can think for themselves. The union endorsements are like the John Kerry Endorsements, they don't mean anything.