Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Michigan Win Saves Romney, Helps McCain

South Carolina Likely King Maker

Chicago- ProConPundit Windy City Situation Room/Heartland Time 8:00 p.m.

He is the only Republican that I could not, would support, if nominated. Mitt Romney is a phoney. Be a liberal. Be a conservative. Be moderate. Be independent. But, please, be consistent. He’s a four star flip-flopper and a five star phoney. His win in Michigan is significant but not unexpected. He should have won and won big. He grew up there and his dad was a long-term, popular governor there. I hope his loyal Michiganders remember his promise to return the jobs, the precise jobs, that have been lost in the unfortunate event that he would be elected president. An otherwise moribund Romney campaign is kept alive by the Michigan win.

John McCain will finish 7-9 points behind Romney which is, disappointing to me, but a credible finish. John "Straight Talk" McCain told the truth in Michigan that the lost jobs will not be coming back and that we have to provide re-training and education opportunities for those who need to get their lives back on a track to prosperity.

The Huckster will come in third place with about 15% of the vote. Mike Huckabee will only do well among those who believe the world is flat, that God created the world in 6 days, rested on the 7th and has been sending the vast majority of people to hell every since. In recent days, the Huckster was calling for the constitution to be amended to "come more in line with the will of the Living God." Among other things, he thinks the constitution should be amended so that children born here to illegals are not automatically citizens. Putting aside the mean spiritedness of his cockamamie proposal, isn’t it strange that a man who takes the bible literally (i.e., the world was created in six days), doesn’t think it should be understood in light of modernity thinks that the constitution should be changed to eradicate something it has always said was true: people who are born in America are Americans?

All eyes turn to South Carolina as the likely major indicator, if not king maker, of the GOP nominee. John McCain is actually pleased that Romney won Michigan. That keeps Romney in through South Carolina. That is good news because the anti-McCain or right-wing or bible belt vote will be divided among Romney, Huckabee and Thompson. That’s better news for McCain, potentially, than if Romney was out of South Carolina. The goal of the ProConPundit and all that is decent among humanity is for Huckabee to lose South Carolina and, if possible, please God!, is for McCain to win South Carolina. From there we go to Florida, where Rudy has bet the ranch on launching his rise to the nomination, and then onto Super Tuesday on February 5.
Sidebar: John McCain spoke to a crowded room of supporters in South Carolina, where he is already working hard in the military laden state. Standing behind him were Joe Lieberman and Lindsay Graham.


Anonymous said...


There can never be a President Huckabee. Every time I hear his name, I think they're replaying Hee-Haw due to the writer's strike.

McCain, I fear, is unelectable. He appears too frail and will not get enough support from the crazy GOP bible-thumpers.

Thompson, Guliani have looked like also rans from the beginning. I'm very suprised by Thompson's almost total lack of a campaign - though IL is not a hotbed of GOP activity so my view may be skewed.


Obama is the most electable of the bunch, but his lack of specifics will have to end sometime. Mr. Rezko's trial will start AFTER February 5th but by that point it'll be too late to matter. I think he wins the Dem nomination.

A noted author, Shelby Steele, says he thinks Obama is like Oprah, a "bargainer" with whites. He gives whites the benefit of the doubt on racism and they like him for it, while Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are confronters who want whites to "prove" they are not racist by awarding set-asides and other favorable treatment. Steele also opines that whites would like to elect Obama to end their white guilt - interesting.

Hillary is unraveling. She'll continue to be painted as Cruella Deville by the media (and Obama's sidekicks). Does it seem to you that Bill is REALLY trying to get her elected? He does not look healthy and does not look up to the task or to care about the task.

Edwards will hang on for another couple of weeks and hope for VP again.

How about recruiting Jimmy Carter for a second bite at the apple with Bill
Richardson as his VP? It'd be cool if the conventions really meant anything anymore.

ProConPundit said...

Great insights, thanks so much!

Hmm. Recruiting ole JIMMY? I know we're in a virtual malaise but is it that bad?

True-Richardson & Edwards are ready, set, go for VP.

I think Bill is totally discheveled. He's torn between wanting Hillary to win and not wanting his legacy to compete with hers. I just want them to go away.

DOS said...

Your comments on the "Huckster" are exactly to my point that the democrats would have a field day with this guy.
When the democrats speak of the GOP candidates they trash them all with the exception of Huckabee. They want him to be the nominee so badly they are willing to stoop to calling a republican "honorable" and "noble."
If nominated (although I have gone on the record as saying Iowa will be his only win) the republicans will have sealed their fate.