Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Advice to the candidates...
From Carol Marin's column in today's
Chicago Sun-Times:

To read entire column:,carol010908.article

"I would respectfully offer some of my own ideas for change as these campaigns go forward:

To Obama: Time to listen hard to Mayor Daley’s warning to behave like an underdog until the last voter has voted.

To Clinton: It’s time to either be Margaret Thatcher or Elizabeth Dole. You can’t be both.

To John Edwards: Enough of being the angriest guy in the room.

To Mike Huckabee: It would be good to know more about foreign policy that you do about the guitar.

To John McCain: Age will be an issue, and saying “I’m old as dirt” might not be the way to attack it.

To Rudy Giuliani: Florida is a great place to retire.

To Mitt Romney: Newfound hair gel does not signal change."

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