Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Obama Makes First Excellent Decision:
No Hillary On Ticket

The Wall Street Journal is reporting tonight that the Obama Camp is letting it be known that there will be no Obama-Clinton ticket. This really isn’t news. There was NEVER a chance that he would ever consider her. But the media has been pushing that for months and now the Clintons’ were starting to push it. Lanny Davis today rolled out some silly online petition to pressure Obama to put Clinton on the ticket.

Obama has taken a preemptive move to quash months of inane and futile speculation about putting Hillary on the ticket. Its not going to happen and he is to be credited for putting her and her minions on notice that the spoils do not go to the loser.

He’s got a lot of challenges ahead of him but he’s demonstrated good leadership by ruling out Hillary as a running mate from the get-go.

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