Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Creator of Vice-Presidents Ferraro & Edwards Resignation Not As Humiliating As His Appointment

The resignation of Jim Johnson as co-chair of the VP search and vetting committee is a conundrum. Johnson accepted this voluntary position a week ago along with Caroline Kennedy and Eric Holder, former federal prosecutor. Johnson was the "vetter" that made running mate recommendations to Walter Mondale and John Kerry. He resigned amidst controversy over his preferential sub-prime loans from Countrywide Financial while working for Fannie Mae, a.k.a. The Federal National Mortgage Association. This is not to be confused with Fannie May, a Chicago based chocolate confectioner.

Johnson’s defection is an embarrassment. Here’s the conundrum, is it more embarrassing that the person you pick to vet your VP choice resigns a week later or that you hired the person who gave us Vice-Presidents Ferraro and Edwards? I mean, really. Why would you want the person who helped select running mates who contributed only to defeat?

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