Tuesday, June 03, 2008

McCain to Address Country Tonight

7:15 p.m. CST- Chicago

Just moments after the ProConPundit announced that the McCain Campaign risks being forgotten amidst all the attention to the Democrats...John McCain announced that he will address the nation tonight from Louisiana, the home of America’s worst embarrassment since slavery.

That McCain’s instinct makes sense is underscored by the fact that MSNBC’s chief liberal loon, Keith Olbermann is out of control at McCain’s "audacity" to steal thunder from the Democrats’ tonight.

McCain will embrace Hillary and her supporters tonight in great political theater.
Tim Russert recalled when he was a little boy his dad nailed a JFK sign to their house in 1960 and Timmy asked his dad why they were supporting JFK.. Big Russ said, "Because he is one of us." What Americans will need to decide between now and November is whether we can best say that about John McCain or Barack Obama.

As a Chicagoan, I do feel the need to say a word about Barack Obama. I have had plenty to say about him, often critical, in the past and will continue to do so. We are experiencing a unique moment in American history. It is the first time an African American will be the presumed nominee of the Democratic party for the presidency. It is also the first time since–ADLAI STEVENSON (not Lincoln) that Illinois will have nominated someone. In the end, I believe Obama will be more like Adlai than Abe. However, while I think he lacks the experience to lead this nation, particularly in such perilous times, he has done an astounding job of beating the most powerful and diabolical political team on the planet: Hillary and Bill.

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