Monday, June 16, 2008

Al Gore Delivers Barn Burner

Endorsement of Obama in Michigan

Al Gore formally endorsed Barack Obama in Michigan tonight. He delivered a better speech than I have ever heard him give. I never liked Gore but I respect his statesmanship in staying officially neutral in the primary. He privately favored Obama and despised Hillary Clinton but stayed out of it. He showed better decorum than Jimmy Carter. Gore also learned a lesson from 2004 when he endorsed Howard Dean, slapping the face of several people who had long supported him, like Dick Gephardt and John Kerry, to say nothing of his former running mate, Joe Lieberman. Gore made a fool of himself as he endorsed Dean just before Dean crashed and burned. I actually think Gore would have been nominated had he run this year. And, as much as I don’t like him, I would prefer his experience to Obama’s lack of it. Gore can help Obama. Obama is in trouble in Florida and Gore has residual support there.

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