Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Deal In Place

Here it is. Clinton doesn’t want to run for VP but wants to be asked and is willing to decline on the proviso that she is asked. Obama is wiling to ask her with the proviso that she turns it down. There were conversations going on yesterday between the campaigns and Obama’s people were open to a telephone conversation where Obama would offer it to her. The Clintonistas wouldn’t agree. They want an in-person, high drama, ceremonial offering to her of running mate status. With the Obama camp non-plussed at that, Hillary forged ahead with a conference call today where she expressed an open-ness to being his running mate.

Uhm. Hello? I don't remember ANY presidential nominee asking someone to be their running mate who was their 2nd choice. It sets up him for failure if he asks her and she declines. He will never ask her. She needs to get a grip.

Its not over.

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