Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hillary Clinton: Despicable and Pathetic

The ProConPundit is not one to kick one when they are down. But Hillary Clinton isn’t down. She’s just scheming and lying. I am watching her ridiculous speech at Barach College in which she congratulated Obama for the race he has RUN, instead of the race he has WON.. She said, “I will make no decisions tonight.” She also asked her followers to inform her so that she could decide what to do next. Hello? She is making no decisions tonight but the Democratic Party has decided. She lost. She’s done. Nothing to think about. Its not sexism or misogyny to dismiss her now–SHE LOST. She doesn’t need a listening tour from her followers.

I am a big McCain fan. But Barack Obama is a smart gentleman and he isn’t suffering this silly fool gladly. She’s done. Over. Toast.

Her biggest mistake, perhaps was taking per place with George H.W. Bush and Bob Dole who each lost dismissing Bill Clinton. How ironic that a Clinton would lose underestimating her inexperienced opponent.

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