Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Congressman Kirk Predicts Bayh for Obama

The ProConPundit attended a small fund raiser for U.S. Congressman Mark Kirk (R-IL 10th District) last night at the University Club of Chicago. Actually, I was on the host committee. Congressman Kirk is a great representative, having served since 2000. When he is not in congress, he spends free time and weekends in the U.S. Naval Reserves. He is a fine public servant, my kind of Republican and a good representative of the people of Illinois in Washington.

When asked who he thought Obama would name as a running mate, he spoke rather matter of factly that he thought Evan Bayh of Indiana would get the nod. We are all circling around Bayh-Biden-Kaine. The Obama camp has also predicted that the running mate would be predictable. Is that a little too predictable?

Meanwhile Rush Limbaugh is breathing fire threatening wrath to McCain if he doesn’t pick a running mate to Rushbo’s liking. What difference would a pro-choice running mate actually make? Well, it could help bring in swing voters and pro-choice Republicans in the fall. At the same time, the Vice-President’s divergent view on abortion would mean absolutely nothing in the administration. For whatever real and perceived grievances conservatives have against McCain, his pro-life/anti-abortion credentials are absolutely unquestionable and above reproach. He has earned the right to name whatever running mate he wants.

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