Old Scars, Renewed Divisiveness
Chicago- ProConPundit Windy City Situation Room/Heartland Time 9:30 p.m.
Chicago- ProConPundit Windy City Situation Room/Heartland Time 9:30 p.m.
If you’re wondering if we’ll ever arrive at a place where the old fights of the 60's won’t have to be fought anymore, where race will stop being used to divide people, the ProConPundit has an answer? Yes, we will. Or, as Obama says, YES, WE CAN. Our first step is to rid ourselves of the Clinton’s. They are the ones, along with their minions and surrogates, have tried to make race an issue in the election. It has no place. The Clintons are pigs as is Bob Johnson of BET, Congressman Charlie "Blackie Gleason" Rangel and the rest of the Al Sharpton wing of opportunism.
The ProConPundit has been courageously closely monitoring the Democratic debate tonight in Las Vegas. Fortunately I am operating a laptop and not heavy machinery as I forever eliminate insomnia and fight back vomitosia.
The debate has been relatively uneventful. They are seated at a table rather than debating from podiums. This tends to bode well for Obama who is at his best in settings where he is relational, bodes less well for Hillary who prefers to negate direct contact with the human race. Edwards is doing well. I think he may thin he is back at the lawyer’s table in court. He looks like he is fighting an urge to jump up and object. Its actually been a fairly substantiative debate in terms of content but the biggest news in it was that HILLARY CLINTON BEHAVED AS IF SHE WERE THE NOMINEE and that Obama and Edwards were the losers whose opinions she respected.
The Clinton's race bating, gender card, accusations of "pile-on" and crocodile tears has paid off--OBAMA AND EDWARDS HAVE BACKED WAY DOWN.
far, however, not earth shattering.
cool post but really...I disagree with anyone who says this is Hillbilly's night. Edwards and Obama are so much better suited to run the country and restore our foreign relations. i swear if she ends up the nominee and not Obama or Edwards? maybe i'll fly to NY and beg Bloomberg to to run. (i'm an indie, just like who i like.)
Thanks, anyonymous, I appreciate your remarks. Trust me, I am no fan of the Hill-Billy's...just thought she out performed her opponents, either of which I prefer.
Your opinions show you are so anti Clinton, that you are blindsided by your truly dislike for her.
Hey, Anonymous # 2, THANKS FOR READING THE BLOG AND POSTING YOUR THOUGHTS...I greatly appreciate it. I am a uniter not a divider. Anonymous I thought I was wrong to give her the edge and you think I am too far in the other direction. Diverse opinions are great.
You are correct, not only my opinions but every thing I have said in and out of the blog about the Clinton's reflect my disdain for them. No contest. I did write earlier on in the campaign how impressed I was with the (then) flawless campaign Hillary was running and how presidential she seemed in the early debates.
I guess blindsided would mean that you think I am unable to see anything good in them. I wish I could argue with that, but honest to God, I can't. I think it would really be bad to have them both back in the White House. I could live with someone of identical idealogy to them and really regret that the Democratic Party didn't take Biden or Dodd serioulsy.
I hope your state votes by February 5.
Until the old guard fades away (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc...) race will be injected into almost every political issue. It is actually fresh to see a new generation such as Obama come in with few paradigms on race, trying to run on the issues.
The Clintons are opportunist and masters at injecting race into every election. They have always taken the African American vote for granite. If you remember Bill Clinton is widely known as the first black president. The Clintons have never been put in the corner like this and have never had to fight for the black vote, now you can see how they handled it.
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