Tuesday, January 29, 2008

ProConPundit to Gore and Carter:

You can call me, Al–and Jimmy

C’mon guys. The gig is up. John Kerry and the Kennedy Clan have fessed up. They hate the Clintons. No one hates than more than you do, Al and Jimmy. Hillary and Bill are still up 10 points nationally to Obama. One week from tonight on Super Tuesday, the race will likely be resolved. Carter and Gore are conspicuous by their silence. Even Al Sharpton has stepped up, proving that even a broken clock is right twice a day. He acknowledged himself as one of the most outspoken people in America and then said, "Bill Clinton needs to shut up."

Al and Jimmy, now is your moment–step up. Obama needs to pick up 10 points in the next week or else your nemesis’ will be on stage for the next eight years. Put your Nobel peace prizes down and win one for the–Gipper? Well, not the Gipper, but you get the point. C’mon guys–you know what needs to be done.

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