Friday, January 18, 2008

Is the one who is Pro & Con flip-flopping on Romney?

ProConPundit backing away from some of his previous vitriol toward Romney? Nah. While I have been a tad harsh on the Romster, I do think he may have a wining strategy of racking up second place finishes among different first place victors, along with winning one now and then.

Both parties have real challenges in nominating someone competent to lead this nation. The ominous twist in the economy underscores the importance of having the best person while, perhaps, causing us to be sure our priorities are well placed. For the GOP, obviously, I think McCain is the best person given all of our challenges. I am hard pressed to name a second choice on the GOP. I believe I’d have to rule the Huckster out all together. I think his track record on fiscal management is fuzzy (not to be confused with Al Gore’s math) and he is somewhere between deplorable and a moron on foreign policy. I think Romney would have to get a thumbs up on fiscal experience but everything else about him has either changed or is said to talk tough. That leaves Rudy. Hmm. More later.

On the Democratic side, they have backed themselves into a real mess. Barack Obama is the first person since Bobby Kennedy to truly being hope and promise to the Democratic Party. He is, by any reasonable assessment, not experienced enough to lead this country given our current challenges at home and abroad. There is John Edwards, who Rush Limbaugh (not someone the ProConPundit finds helpful) calls "The Brett Girl." Edwards can’t pull it off. If he could, how good do you rate his experience? That leaves the Clinton’s. The Democrats have a problem in that the most qualified person remaining in the primary is someone 45% of the country will not vote for under any circumstances.

Can you say B-L-O-O-M-B-E-R-G ?


Anonymous said...

You're not flipping and flopping as much as you are picking and choosing. The PROCON is curiously quiet on your left wing pal Chris Matthews getting his porcopine whacked for saying that your pal Hill owes all of her success to the man from hope with the girl with the blue dress.

Also--what about politics being local. Nothing about the Illinois governor you love going to the slammer while the governor you hate (who may be enroute the slammer himself) sends chicagoans to the poor house in busses filled with free riders?

Anonymous said...

Senator, I knew Bobby Kennedy and Barack Obama is no Bobby Kennedy.

Moy, good news and bad news for you. Good news is that America will elect a prez from the prairie state this year for the first time since Lincoln. Bad news: she got married and moved to Arkansas.


Anonymous said...

I am undecided while considering a candidate on the GOP side. I know that PCP supports McCain. While I respect John McCain's war record and his leadership abilities and will vote for him should he be the nominee, I cannot get passed his trying to ram amnesty through the Senate knowing how the American people felt about this issue. Along with the "Gang of 14", McCain-Finegold and voting against the tax cuts he will have a hard time getting the backing of "True Republicans." He is doing well so far because all the Primary States so far have allowed Independent voters to vote for either party. Enter Romney (the title topic.) I to have had a hard time warming up to Romney and at this time do not think that I would vote for him. However if you take perceptions aside and listen to what the man has to say, he is probably the closet thing to a real Republican (other than Thompson) on the GOP ballet this year. He will start to take States where you have to register as a republican or democrat. The "Huckster" as you call him does not have a chance at winning a national election and would be the democrats dream candidate to run against. Those damn crazy evangelicals say the darndest things.
I don't understand how Obama can be the savior of the democratic party with only 2 years experiance in the senate. Obama is a polictical infant compared to Bobby Kennedy and I do not beleive the comparrison is justified. Although I agree he has sparked excitement within the party.
It is fun to watch the Clintons trying to run against Obama and get their points across without coming off as racist. To this end Obama has effectively taken some of the wind out of the Clinton sail and has taken away one of their key strategies.
Rudy has made a terrible mistake in waiting until Florida to compete. No one is talking about him. I almost hope that both parties get to their conventions without a clear nominee. Let's have a good old fashioned back room brawl to bargin out a nominee, the likes that have not been seen in years.