Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Edwards Drops Out

In a STUNNING development, John Edwards will get out of race today. He is doing this becasue he knows he cannot win and wants to help SOMEONE win next week. The ProConPundit's best guess is that he will endorse Obama. It would make no sense for him to endorse the Clinton's given his consistent, harsh criticism of them. His withdrawal will help the Clinton's among southern white voters but will help Obama in California, New Jersey and even New York.
Where does the Edwards vote go? Three points:
1. Edwards will want it ot go to Obama.
2. Edwards votes are generally anti-Clinton.
3. Wild card: Edwards support mostly among lower income white voters. Hillary has been doing better with them than Obama.
If the Edwards vote breaks out mostly to Obama, that should be enough to put him over the top next Tuesday. This development leaves the first one-on-one debate Thursday between Obama and the Clinton's.

The timing of this withdrawal negates the conventional wisdom that Edwards was staying in the race to be the kingmaker in a photo finish between Obama and Clinton delegates. There is either a deal in place. Or, the health of Elizabeth Edwards has been the factor.

More later.

1 comment:

DOS said...

Good riddance pretty boy!