Tuesday, January 29, 2008

McCain and the Clinton’s Win Florida
Nancy Reagan To Host Giuliani Endorsement at
Gipper’s Grave & Library
John McCain won Florida by 5 % in a GOP only primary. His victory may be attributed to the late breaking endorsements of Florida Gov. Charles Crist and Sen. Mel Martinez. He was conciliatory to Mitt Romney, saying, "The margin of my victory is not enough that I should brag about or enough for you to despair." He spoke words of eloquence to Rudy Giuliani, who will drop out and endorse him tomorrow, thanking him for his leadership and for putting his heart and soul into this race. and kindness to Mike Huckabee. Tim Russert has rightly asserted that McCain is dangling the vice-presidency in front of Huckabee, "Don't leave me now,
Hucky, I need you."
McCain's victory was both narrow and decisive. He won without independents or Democrats. He won all over Florida and, as a warrior, was voted for in large measure by people who consider the economy the largest issue. He is definitely on his way but he has to close the deal with hard core conservatives who don’t like him. This will be made easier by endorsements and establishment Republicans falling into line behind him. Romney is not to be discounted, at all. He is formidable and self financed. He is helped by entertainers like Limbaugh, Buchanan and Scarborough who hate McCain. The next week will be rough. McCain is helped to have Giuliani on his side and Huckabee’s VP run.

Even though the Democratic Party will not accept the Florida delegates and the candidates did not campaign there, Hillary and Bill Clinton beat Obama by 20% in Florida. That is significant. Obama needs help to close the deal in the next week. The "unofficial" Democratic primary is not a done deal. Those delegates will continue their fight to be seated and counted at the Democratic convention. It may matter if the count is close. Florida all over again. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

McCain is starting to act like King George-he needs to lose the attitude.

Anonymous said...

Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and Rush all came out and said they would not vote for McCain if he is the nominee. Ann Coulter went so far as to say she would vote for Hillary, because she is more conservative than McCain.
As a republican I find these comments despicable. They would rather have a democrat win the white house than vote for a moderate republican. Whatever happened to the idea that the majority wins? If the majority of republicans give him the primary and he becomes the nominee, then all true republicans should rally around that candidate and do what is best for the party in order to keep the white house. As a fan of Ann, Laura and Rush, my view of them has been forever stained. They are not acting in the best interest of the party and their veiws of the political spectrum are filled with hypocrisy.