Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Huckabee Exits Stage Far Right–With Grace & Class

8:30 p.m. Heartland Standard Time

The Huckster bowed out, gave a classy endorsement of John McCain and an inspirational chat. He is to be credited for accomplishing a lot with very little money and a small staff. He and McCain both disproved the notion that only monied candidacies can succeed.

We’ve not seen the last of Huckabee. If John McCain is elected this fall, he will serve only one term and Huckabee will make another run for president in 2012 at age 56.

The selection of Huck as a running mate by McCain would smooth over a sliver of conservatives who don’t like McCain but wouldn’t do him any good among other groups of Republicans who are aloof to McCain. John McCain, as I have said many times, may need to make a strategic VP pick to win the election but he will only pick someone who he truly believes would be "ready from day one" to step in if need be. The Huckster in an honorable guy but would not make that short list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Running mates that would help John McCain:

1. Condi Rice (politically savoy, female, African American)

2. George Allen (young, knows his stuff, oh yeah, there is that racist comment he made during an election campaign.)

3. Charlie Crist Gov. FL. (has a flare for turning out the vote and winning campaigns.)

4. Bobby Jindal Gov. Louisiana (young, conservative, adds diversity.)

5. Michael Steel was Lt. Gov of Maryland, now fox contributor. (Very politically savoy, young and African American.) He did get in trouble with Jewish leaders for comparing stem cell research with the holocaust. He did apoligze and it was accepted.

Anyway kind of out of the box picks, but I think that he will have to pick wisely and with someone who would have the biggest impact.