Thursday, September 04, 2008

McCain’s Speech of a Lifetime is Lackluster

GOP Strategist Mike Murphy who managed McCain’s 2000 campaign and the ProConPundit lobbied the McCain camp to have McCain not do a traditional convention speech. He excels at town hall meetings. Our argument, made more credibly by Murphy was that McCain’s acceptance speech needed to be a town hall format and not him giving a speech. The concession was creating a runway where McCain could speak at a more in-the-round environment. It missed the mark.

I love this guy and admire him. His speech was poor. His code references to being against abortion were the things that garnered the most amount of applause. The ProConPundit is unabashedly and unapologetically prolife but it’s a poor impression of the GOP if that is one of few things that excites people.

What a difference a week makes. Thank God for Sarah Palin.

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