Monday, August 18, 2008

John McCain Will Become our 44th President

Because I stuck with McCain when his political obituary had been written, many of you have been asking me in the past couple of months whether I thought he could pull it off and actually win the presidency this fall. Others have asked if I thought anything could rival the Obama mania.

I have had my doubts and there have been low moments. For the first time since John McCain clinched the nomination, I truly believe that he will, in fact, win the presidency this fall.

Consider this...
1. McCain has done an effective job of showing Obama as a celebrity phenomena but not a serious person for the presidency of the United States. This premise will continue as the celebrity event/football stadium extravaganza of the Democratic convention unfolds. McCain has gotten ahead of the curve.

2. In 1988, Dukakis was 18 points ahead of Bush I coming out of the Democratic convention and went on to get creamed. Keep that in mind as we move forward.

3. The Obama Campaign has orchestrated a celebrity extravaganza for the Democratic convention. Between the Clinton speeches looming large over the convention and Hillary Clinton’s name being placed into nomination in the raucous setting of a football stadium, I think things are not moving in a good direction for Obama.

4. John McCain scored decisively over Obama in the Rick Warren interview. In the warmup interview before the interviews, Andrea Mitchell said that Obama insiders felt good about their prospects because he was really comfortable with Rick Warren and this interview while McCain, she said, was begrudgingly participating. After McCain creamed Obama, the next day Mitchell said just the opposite: that Obama’s people knew it would be a bad forum for them and a good one for McCain. The liberal intelligentsia is absolutely apoplectic over the fact that Obama is on the ropes.

5. MSNBC has finally found a way to raise its ratings–suspending all programming. For two weeks, all MSNBC programming has been cancelled in order to cover the Olympics. The ProConPundit has tended to like MSNBC because of the great interviews that take place. Little by little, MSNBC has gotten rid of any semblance of balance. There is now such a reactionary, volatile reaction to anything that criticizes Obama that cancelling their programming seems like a great cause and a sure ratings climber.

6. Thank God for Russia! Thank God that the Russian invasion of Georgia is happening now and not later. Obama’s reply was to say that the United Nations needs to take a strong stand. United Nations? Hello? The only thing united about the UN is that they stand with tin horn dictators, terrorists and thugs and that the U.S. picks up the tab. John McCain, incidentally, has reiterated what he said a year ago: that Russia should be kicked out of the G-8.

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