Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Big 89 Rewind Offers Parallels to 2008 Choices:
McCain & Obama= Ford & Carter

WLS 890 AM radio in Chicago is TALK RADIO–all the time. Back in the glory days of the ProConPundit’s wholesome upbringing in America’s largest hometown, WLS was an AM pop music station. This Memorial Day, WLS did a neat/cool thing but sponsoring the "Big 89 Rewind." All day on Memorial Day, they brought back the disc jockeys of the 70's & 80's. I drove a car in a couple of parades on Memorial Day and otherwise spent a fair mount of time in the car. It was great fun to tune into WLS 890, something I seldom do anymore, and hear the great voices of those great DJ’s of the good old days.

If you have any interest, please check out www.wlshistory.com. In 1978, as a junior in high school, I was the proud owner of a 1967 Ford Galaxy 500. It had 2 doors, eight cylinders (about half of which worked), and low miles. It was powder blue and was the first and last time I ever bought a car from anyone I knew. It was 500 bucks and I bought it from a neighbor. I got screwed. It was a clunker.

On the way to school, my friends and I listed to Larry Lujack and Uncle Tommy. On the way home, we listened to Fred Winston. At night, it was John Records Landecker, "Yes my middle name is truly records." My friends and I also spent many hours listening to WLS radio while we waited for my dad to come and give us a jump or waiting for a tow truck. I hated the car but loved the time...and the DJ’s on WLS radio.

This ride down memory lane reminded me of the first presidential election I ever took an interest in. 1976. Ford vs. Carter. In the months ahead, I will say more about how I think our choices this November, 22 years later, are similar. The role of Gerald Ford will be played by John McCain. The role of Barack Obama was played by Jimmy Carter.

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