Wisconsin, Like So Many States–
Finally Able to Make a Difference
Finally Able to Make a Difference
Kenosha, WI--ProConPundit on Special Assignment
February 17, 2008 10 a.m. Cheese Standard Time
Please remember that Clinton operatives like Terry McAuliffee worked behind the scenes a couple fo years ago to get all the pecking order changed for the Democratic primaries this year. They believed the earlier voting and front loading of New York and California would effect and early Hillary Clinton victory. I thought it was a bad idea then and realize how wrong I was. This has been a great primary. Think of all of the states that have voted earlier, actually had a say in selecting the nominees for president. Now, attention turns to Wisconsin and here is what I have learned.
Hillary Clinton left Wisconsin yesterday and won’t be back. She is ceding this state to Obama. This is no small thing. Although Wisconsin lines up as a blue state, it did so narrowly in 2004. While Madison is considered a rather liberal place, Milwaukee’s Democrats include a lot of working class and minority voters. A lot of the state is red and Kenosha, Wisconsin, a city of 95,000 people just over the Illinois border has a huge Democratic population, and a heavily union town due to, among other things, the Chrysler plant and onetime American Motors plant.
The ProConPundit is positing that the Wisconsin results on the Dem side will tell us something about who will win Ohio. Democratic constituencies are probably fairly similar in both states except that Ohio has a lot more black voters than Wisconsin’s 6%. Some are suggesting that an Obama victory in Wisconsin would be a surprise because of the low black population here. Not so. Remember, Obama was first popular with white voters while black voters were slow coming to him. Their allegiance was with the Clinton’s and they liked Obama but were afraid to trust that he could win. White Democrats were first to embrace Obama. Bill Clinton helped make the case for Obama among black voters by offending them. Richmond, VA Mayor Doug Wilder, the former governor of Virginia, and I believe, the first black governor in US had harsh words for Bill Clinton this morning on Face the Nation. He asked, "Who is Bill Clinton to presume some mantle of authority to speak for, and to, and to be dismissive of African Americans." Folks, the Clintons are in trouble. Its not sexism, either. Its bullyism. The Clinton’s have been incensed at the temerity, or audacity dare I say, of Obama to stand in the way of their campaign of inevitability and rubber stamp coronation.
Wisconsin has not had the chance to make a difference in a long time. Wisconsin helped JFK overtake Hubert Humphrey and turn momentum in his favor in 1960 and helped Jimmy Carter in 1976 when the Democrats, like the Republicans of 2008, had a pack nobody was very excited about. Its great to see the dairy state have their voices heard and votes count in this primary. Obama will do well here and continue the mounting momentum toward an Obama victory. Texas seems to be to be Obama’s most looming upcoming primary. I think he may do well in Ohio.
Meet The Press had "The Odd Couple" on this morning, Democratic Senators Dick Durbin (Illinois) and Chuck Schumer (New York). Hillary saves these two clowns from being my least favorite senators. Hillary is first, Durbin second, and Schumer third. Durbin "Felix" and Schumer "Oscar" share an apartment in DC and are good friends. Each of them allegedly loyal to their junior senator, they were on MTP to supposedly face off to make the argument for their candidate. Trouble is everyone knows Schumer despises Hillary Clinton. His only possible goal in her being electing president would be to get her out of New York. Durbin, for all of his faults and hypocrisy, is totally behind Obama.
Howard Wolfson, Clinton Communications Director and David Axelrod, Obama campaign manager faced off on Face the Nation. The Clinton’s and their minions are just nasty. Her remark, of Obama, is that "talk is cheap." Unlikable people don’t get elected president. I am not prepared to pronounce her dead at this point, but life support has been removed and last rites are fast a comin.
McCain needs to make sure he is not the Bob Dole of 2008. Bob Dole’s year to become president was 1988 when was short circuited and eclipsed by a vice-president named George Bush. He then had to wait eight years to get nominated in 1996. It was too late, he was past his time. McCain’s year was 2000, got eclipsed by another George Bush and has had to wait eight years for his turn. He needs to do something to make sure he doesn’t become another Bob Dole. Both were old, both were well respected war heroes. I do think McCain is more liked across the board and is much better known among rank and file voters than was Dole. McCain’s nastiness has tended to be more behind the camera’s where as Dole was routinely caustic on the air...a trait the ProConPundit loves by the way!
McCain needs to be able to speak more clearly about domestic issues and also needs to stop dismissing Obama for his platitudinous oratory. I am well documented in saying that candidates need to stop trying to emulate Reagan. They need to learn from him. Reagan ran for president during a most difficult time and did so by being optimistic and hopeful. McCain and Hillary are both talking too much gloom and doom. McCain has a great sense of humor–he needs to use it. He can’t beat Obama on being the most lefty senator–not for being a good speaker.
The ProConPundit heads for Texas tomorrow to get a better grasp on the upcoming primary there.
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