Obama shows capacity to heal a hurting nation, Clinton clutching
At last week’s last pre-Iowa caucus debate among Democrats, an otherwise snorefest debate was significant in two ways. Most importantly, when Joe Biden persuasively and concisely debunked previous criticism as racially insensitive for calling Barack Obama "fresh and clean and articulate." Biden is easily the best candidate among Democrats for the presidency. He is the competence candidate and has a reasonable plan for the war in Iraq. He is bipartisan, a team player, and because Democrats vote with infatuation and idealism to the exclusion of victory and pragmatism, he doesn’t stand a stance. Following Biden’s remarks, his colleagues and opponents affirmed/applauded him. Obama went further, as he said to give church testimony, that Biden is a fine guy and his life’s work shows he isn’t a racist. It was a great tribute to Biden. It also showed Obama as one who has a genuine desire and an aptitude for bringing about racial healing which is so much a need in our country.
The other noteworthy event in the debate was when Hillary Clinton used that frightening cackle of hers in an attempt to deliver a gotcha moment to Obama. Joining the recent efforts of her pathological husband and despicable henchmen, she flopped. She was trying to put Obama in an uncomfortable position in response to a question about why he has former Clinton operatives advising him as the agent of change. Obama was unflappable. In a way that he was thoughtful and tough and humorous. It was a moment that could have been JFK to Nixon in 1960. Clinton is desperate. She is a long way from being defeated, but her stock is falling fast, as it should.
Is the ProConPundit endorsing Obama? Not so fast. Consider these three things:
1. The ProConPundit supported McCain in 2000. I voted for McCain in the primary and for Bush in the general election. Given how our world changed on 911, I still submit we would have been better prepared then and better off today had McCain been elected in 2000. I am with him now and, until the South Carolina primary is over, I am not entertaining interest in any other GOP candidate. Imus was correct a year ago when he said that we seldom have chance to elect a great president in America and that McCain offers us such a chance.
2. Biden is the best candidate among the Democrats. Chris Dodd has equal credentials and experience to Biden. Dodd turned his back on long time friend and fellow CT senator, Joe Lieberman. If you mess with Lieberman, you mess with the ProConPundit. Given the dire state of affairs in our country, we need each party to put forth the best they have to offer. Whether you like Bush or not, I think it is fair to say that we have not had a president with superb diplomacy skills since Bush I. The ProConPundit defines best as unifiers, foreign policy and diplomacy experts, and bipartisan. I believe that renders McCain and Biden as the best each party has to offer. The media imposed subway series fight between Giuliani and Hillary that the media says the country is itching for is insane. They are both baggage laden disasters waiting to happen.
2. Biden is the best candidate among the Democrats. Chris Dodd has equal credentials and experience to Biden. Dodd turned his back on long time friend and fellow CT senator, Joe Lieberman. If you mess with Lieberman, you mess with the ProConPundit. Given the dire state of affairs in our country, we need each party to put forth the best they have to offer. Whether you like Bush or not, I think it is fair to say that we have not had a president with superb diplomacy skills since Bush I. The ProConPundit defines best as unifiers, foreign policy and diplomacy experts, and bipartisan. I believe that renders McCain and Biden as the best each party has to offer. The media imposed subway series fight between Giuliani and Hillary that the media says the country is itching for is insane. They are both baggage laden disasters waiting to happen.
3. Back to Obama. His inexperience has been largely touted, including by me. One of the things that prepares one to be president is running for president. He has performed well. Given that he has never been in a serious election before, he became a US Senator beating Alan Keyes, he is making all the right moves. Thanks largely to Chicagoan David Axelrod, his campaign manager.
The Clintons don’t really know how to win against Obama. The only thing they know how to do is lie and cheat and sling mud. Their minions stressing Obama’s middle name, his teenage drug use and kindergarten desire to be president show who they are and what they are about. What does Obama do? He brings out Oprah to talk about unity and the audacity of hope. I respect Oprah’s reply to those, such as me, who say this is not Obama’s time or his turn. She says Rosa Parks would still be on the back of the bus and Oprah would still be working in a television mail room if they had waited for someone else to declare it their turn. Fair enough. I think Obama will be president and should be. I honestly think we need someone of McCain or Biden’s competence and experience in 08. However, since Democrats vote with their libidos and rose colored glasses, I don’t see a Biden victory in the offing and Hillary would be a disaster. So the ProConPundit is growing in enthusiasm for Obama.
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