Monday, December 17, 2007

Imus is back, the ProConPundit is back, and McCain is on the way.

Having collected a $ 21 million settlement from CBS for firing him for doing what they specifically hired him to do, be outrageous and offensive, Don Imus returned to the airwaves and to RFD-TV on December 3. Following a mild mannered warm up, Imus declared, "Dick Cheney is still a war criminal, Hillary Clinton is still Satan, and Imus is back." Thank God. Its a great show. Imus' great forte is his ability to interview influential people and grill them as no one else does. Welcome back I-man!

Much to the criticism and consternation of some loyal and brilliant blog readers, the ProConPundit felt the need for a break. The political race is just starting to get interesting, so the ProConPundit thought it was time for a comeback.

And Sen. John McCain is on his way back. He has racked up endorsements of the DesMoines Register, the Boston Globe, and the New Hampshire Union Leader. Check out this list of other McCain endorsements:

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